Identity Document Verification


The document outlines the usage, scoring and configuration of the Identity Document Verification API.

API Operations

Verify Identity Document

Start a new identity document verification - it must be called once at the beginning to initiate the verification, unless restarting a new verification. If all required supporting images are uploaded in this operation then this may be the one and only operation invoked. However, currently only the front image of the document is supported in this operation.

Add Supporting Images

Add additional supporting images to an ongoing document verification not already uploaded in previous operations, or to replace a previously uploaded supporting image. Currently only a single image is supported in this operation.

Supporting Images

Image Type Description
FrontImage A clear image of the front of the identity document being verified.
BackImage A clear image of the back of the identity document being verified.
ProfilePhoto A clear selfie photo of the user’s face in a neutral expression.


A final decision is computed based on configured minimum thresholds of scores which are listed and described below. The result will be a decision status of Approved, Review or Declined.


Score Name Description
DocumentVerification Aggregates multiple data points relating to the authenticity and integrity of the document images into a single score between 0.0 and 1.0.
ProfilePhotoMatch Aggregates multiple data points relating to how well the selfie matches the photo on the identity document into a single score between 0.0 and 1.0.

Error Codes

See Error Codes


Sample Request

    VerificationMode: "DOCUMENT_AND_PROFILE",
    SupportingImages: [
            ImageType: "FRONT_IMAGE",
            ContentBase64: "k1h8Mf900...v3B=="

Sample Response

    DocumentId: "x1y2z3",
    DocumentStatus: "COMPLETED",
    DecisionStatus: "DECLINED",
    DocumentDetail: {
        DocumentNumber: "AA00123",
        ExpiryDate: "2021-05-21",
        FirstName: "John",
        MiddleName: "H.",
        LastName: "Doe",
        DateOfBirth: "2021-05-21",
        Gender: "MALE|FEMALE|UNKNOWN",
        Address: {
            AddressLine1: "123 Sunset Ave.",
            AddressLine2: null,
            City: "Gotham City",
            ProvinceCode: "BC",
            PostalCode: "A1B2C3",
            CountryCode: "CA"
        Warnings: [
                Title: "Expired Document",
                Severity: "FAILED",
                Description: "The document has expired."
    DocumentClassification: {
        DocumentDescription: "Driver's Licence and Services Card",
        DocumentType: "DRIVERS_LICENSE",
        CountryCode: "CA",
        ProvinceCode: "BC"
    Scores: [
            Name: "DocumentVerification",
            Value: 0.0,
            Reasons: [
                    Code: "FAILED_EXPIRED_DOCUMENT",
                    Description: "The document has expired."
            Name: "ProfilePhotoMatch",
            Value: 0.85,
            Reasons: [
                    Code: "CAUTION_HIGH_GLARE",
                    Description: "Too much glare."